
Note: BARSI will not be arranging any new Trainings or PreTrainings in the UK – if you are considering enrolling in a Training, please contact the European Rolfing Association. https://rolfing.org

Welcome to the British Academy of Rolfing® website

What is Rolfing®?                                                            

Rolfing is a method of hands-on body work and movement training that helps people to have better posture, fewer aches and pains, greater flexibility, more energy and greater ease in their body.  Rolfing is named after American biochemist Dr Ida Rolf who developed the method in the 1960s.  For more information see the Rolfing UK website www.rolfinguk.co.uk

What is the British Academy of Rolfing?

The British Academy of Rolfing is a training school offering the first comprehensive Rolfing training program in the UK accredited and certificated by the European Rolfing Association, Munich and the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, Boulder, Colorado.

Who is the Rolfing Training for?

BARSI Rolfing training combines experiential learning, academic rigour, and a process of personal growth.  Courses are designed to accommodate you whether you have experience in the field of manual medicine, movement therapy, massage or other related modalities or if you have no experience in bodywork and are just starting to explore the possibility of a career in this field.

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